Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How to Cook Eggs and Tomatoes

Here is a good way to cook an egg and a tomatoe dish. First of all, bring eggs and tomatoes from your fridge. Then follow the following steps to cook them. After that, cut tomatoes small parts and put it in the pan. Next, bring the eggs and crack them in the same pan with tomatoes. Then add a little of salt and mix them together. Last but not least, put them on stove for five to seven minutes on a low fair. Then you can put it on a dish and eat it. This is a good way to make healthy and fast food.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The First Impressions in Kamloops

My first impressions in Kamloops are wonderful and at the same time very strange. I think it is wonderful. Because it is new experience in country has everything by English. Also, in my home I used to write and speak Arabic, so I did not understand any person who specks English in the airport and the hotels. Also, every thing is different between my country and here. The rules, roads, education, buses are new situation, but now I am really interesting because I started to love Kamloops and I like the people here. They are very friendly and helpful people. Finally, every new life has difficulties, but try to live with this new situation because you need to use their life.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ideal House

Ideal Things

Our old people always say if you have a good car, an obedient woman and a perfect house. You are a lucky person. First of all, a good car that helps you to move swiftly from place to another place. Second, every man has to have obedient woman who supports him to face the life without bothering. Of course, the ideal house has to have a good location, good neighbors, a big area, a beautiful swimming pool and good views. In my opinion, the most important things are perfect neighbors and good location because the good neighbors will safe you and let you live quit life with safe life and good location which closes to downtown and others nessesary places . Absolutely, the perfect house, an obedient family and a good car are good things on our life but it is very hard to own them during these days, but if you try to have them you will be lucky person.

period = .
Comma = ,
quastion mark = ?
Exclamatin Mark = !
Semi Colon = ;
colon = :

On other hand.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sentences Exercise

Types of Sentences

1-Simple sentence: A sentence with one independent clause and no dependent clauses.
I traveled to Vancouver on 29 April 2009.

2-Compound Sentence: A sentence with multiple independent clauses but no dependent clauses.
It was very wonderful and interesting trip.

3-Complex Sentence: A sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.
When I was in Vancouver, I met my dear friend.


Vancouver was very beautiful city. I went to Vancouver with my family in April 2009. We visited a lot of wonderful places like Capilano Bridge, Stanly Park and Robson Street. When I was there, I met my dear friend, and we enjoyed together. Really, it was a good trip with nice places and a good meeting.